The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Missing my Little Ones.............

I wanted to blog yesterday but coming back to work after two days of vacation is not fun. It was a crazy day at work.

BUT, just wanted to say that I had an absolute blast watching my JD and Kenzie girl all weekend. It helped so much with Tim gone until Saturday afternoon then he had Rodeo set up on Sunday so was gone most of that day. I usually pout and miss him terribly. I missed him, yes, but no time for pouting. I was having too much fun with JD and Kenzie.

JD is absolutely the smartest, funniest, and cutest little guy I know. He NEVER stops talking and it is not just rambling. He asks you so many questions. And he wants to talk about everything. I do think he asked me 100 times over the weekend, "KK, you really love me and you love for me to come to your house, don't you?" And 100 times I answered, "JD, KK loves you more than anything and I REALLY love for you to come to my house, cause it makes me SO HAPPY!" He just smiled. I got to watch him at both of his T-ball practices. He has SO MUCH ENERGY. He will be good at baseball. I can already see it. Just like his Uncle Matt!!! OH, and he loves to play with my cell phone. He can operate it better than me. I told Stephanie he can get around that phone, have music playing, playing games and never ask me how to do anything. I was a little sad that he reset my game, Bubble Bash, which I was on level 6 and about to beat the game. It has taken me forever to get there. Now, I am at level 1 again. :(

Kenzie is absolutely the most beautiful little thing in this world. She has a smile that just melts my heart. I wish I could have captured a picture of this but you should see her when she looks at you, tilts that head ever so slightly and smiles so big, with her whole face. Oh, I miss that right now. She loves her KK. I tried all weekend (well, I try all the time) to get her to say KK. Nope. It's mama. She calls me mama. I know in time she'll be saying KK and I'll love it. Oh, but she CAN say Papa. Thanks. Papa Tim gets home and says to her, "say Papa Tim." And immediately out of her mouth, "Papa. Papa. Papa." She loves her Papa Tim too! Oh, and she has the strangest fascination with BIRDS. That's my girl. I have always loved birds and fed birds and even video taped baby birds or birds feeding in my yard (which I have been given much ill-treatment over it by my girls). Well, Papa Tim goes Pheasant Hunting in South Dakota now and then and has a beautifully mounted pheasant on our bookcase. She constantly points to it and says, "uh. Uh." I know she's saying, "Papa Tim's bird." Cause that's what we always say!!!

I am a blessed KK. I get to see my grandbabies all the time but I surely enjoyed the consentrated 4 straight days of it. Everyone asked me yesterday at work if I was tired. Was I worn out? Well, maybe a tad but the joy of being with them and caring for and loving them outweighs any tiredness I may have felt.

I miss them both!!! Thank you Stephanie and Jimmy for needing a trip away. I needed the JD and Kenzie FIX!!!!

1 comment:

Steph V said...

THANK YOU again Mama! It's such a strange thing being able to go out of town and not really worry about the kids once. I say strange but it's always been that way when I know they are having the time of their lives with you. I just remember 2 winter's ago when I went to Austin for the night for Shannon's bacholrette party (she's preggo by the way) and calling you to check on the kids and Kenz had just cried for hours. glad I am that colic is well in the past for us! JD talked about the weekend with you nonstop. Thanks again. We had a BLAST! I hope y'all have as much fun as we did this weekend! LOVE U!