The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What a Weekend!

Here is it Thursday and I am just now blogging about last weekend. I think maybe it was a little need of rest from such a full and FUN weekend. And, coming back to work and the mountain that always grows while I am away. Also, yesterday was Dustin's 19th birthday so we were busy eating at the NEW Los Cucos by our house. Anyway. Happy B-day again Dustin.

OK, my friend Kelly at Girl on a Mission wanted to know how the weekend went. First of all let me just get out the way that NO I was not happy at the outcome. I respect Jeff Gordon as a driver. He is a good driver. He was mentored by one of the greatest drivers of all time (which I grew up loving - BIG E!) and I also think it was very honorable of Mr. G to fly the #3 Dale Earnhardt flag in honor of tying Big E's wins! I just don't CARE for Mr. G. Enough said.

We had a lot of fun with Rick and Tanya (corporate doctor and his girlfriend) in Phoenix. Got to hit two on my favorite spots there. We usually stay in Old Town Scottsdale when we go and there is a place there - Itallian Grotto. Yummy!!! And the manager there remembers us (well he really remembers Tim - funny story) so he took very good care of us that night. The other place is RA Sushi. Love it. Love it. We now have one in Houston so Tim, I, Rick and Tanya hit it often. Still love to go there in Phoenix since that is where we discovered it. Didn't stay long....we went on a Friday night right in Tempe where ASU is. We walk in to a VERY LOUD (thought maybe I was just getting old but even Tanya (26) said it was) sushi bar filled with VERY YOUNG adults!!! We ended up at Sushi Brokers in Scottsdale.......good choice! Then we hit the huge 30 person hot tub at our hotel. Very nice relaxing way to end the evening.

Saturday was race day! As soon as we get the pics off Tim's camera I'll post a few. My camera drowned at our cook-off in March when the storm came through. BUT, here is one that Tim and I had taken in front of June Bug's car! I didn't know the guy was shooting so I'm talking away (using my hand as well)! We got pit passes and all and really had fun at the race. Afterwards, in a bad mood, then had to fight 2 1/2 hours of traffic to get out. NEVER, in all the races we have gone to have we ever had to fight that much. Bummer.

Over all, great weekend. Tim and I enjoyed our time together and finally decided after sleeping in probably one of the most comfortable beds EVER, to buy us a new LUXURY king size mattress!!! After returning from Phoenix and waking up two mornings in a row with ACHING backs we did it. Ahhhh. Last night slept like a queen and king!

AND even though he finished 19th I still think.........................

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