The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Grandchildren - What Incredible Gifts!

JD is the MAN! What a precious grandchild God has blessed Papa Tim and I with. He makes me laugh my head off all the time. At 2 years 3 months he is a talker. Oh, but I love the conversations. How precious. I love each and every second that I get to spend with that precious little fellow! He indeed thinks his KK is awesome! Feelings mutual Little Man! He hasn't been feeling good the last week and went to the doctor this morning. You got to check out the stickers from the doctor's office. Look at that face. Is he cool or what? And do you think he knows it?!?!?!

Speaking of grandchildren and doctors, surely you caught on my post about the wreck that I have a grandchild on the way. Sweet Steph is 12 1/2 weeks pregnant with grandchild #2. Praying like crazy that she gets a little girl. SHE NEEDS a little girl. She was the girliest of all girls growing up and she needs that. BUT, we'll take whatever healthy little one the Lord sees fit to grace us with! Especially after Steph having a miscarriage! We are just grateful each and every day for the precious life growing inside that darlin' Steph. Here are pics at 12 1/2 weeks of Baby V as Steph calls her. Actually the doctor said today if she was to guess VERY EARLY she would say boy. Jimmy is already picking out boy names. I'm thinking I want to wait until next ultrasound (anatomy scan) in 6 weeks (June 8th) to find out for sure!! I can't make heads or tails out of these pics but I still love to look and praise God for our next grandchild - girl or boy - doesn't matter. I love that precious life already!!!!!!!

Several have asked about Stephanie. Here is her blog page to keep up with her and her sweet family........................The Van Fam

Also, I pasted in a portion from Steph's email today she sent when sending her pics! Please keep her in your prayers!

I had my second pre-natal visit today. Things are looking good and I am all set for my surgery on Monday. I'm a little nervous but I'm sure everything will go fine. My due date is still set for Nov. 4th and the baby looks good. Dr. Sinacori did say as of right now my placenta is too low. If it doesn't move up (which is usally does) then I will need a c-section. Too soon to tell or worry about that. This will however make Monday's procedure a bit more riskier b/c this means the cervix is much closer to the placenta. She's aware of it though so I'm sure things will be fne. I'm trying not to stress too much about that right now. But a few extra prayers couldn't hurt...

1 comment:

Steph V said...

MORE like TGFG - Thank Goodness for Grandparents.

JD is BLESSED to have a KK he loves so much and a Pa Tim that he thinks is the COOLEST! He sure loves y'all and nothing warms my heart better than to see him crazy about the most important woman in my life!!! I can't wait for #2 to see what a lucky baby he/she is to be blessed with an incredible KK and Pa Tim.