The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

It's Snowing in Houston today........

Remember the other day how I said I love Christmas because it makes me feel like a kid............well, today our forecast here in Houston is SNOW. Yes, you heard me, SNOW! I was working away at my desk a little while ago when Lily, our receptionist yelled, "it's snowing!" My office is up front so went running and sure enough it was snowing hard!!! I just wanted to run
out in a kid......but thought maybe not all would appreciate my kidness!!!
Stephanie said JD has had a blast playing in the snow. He's been out playing in it quite a bit today. Here are a few pics.

And remember yesterday, saying it was a really tough day. Well it was. Tough really doesn't describe it. I think I will wait until after everything is settled before I share details but mainly just need pray over a custody situation with my son. I'm about to walk a very, very tough road and know that I trust in the Lord with all my heart to go before me...........

Didn't have much today but here are some cute pics of the 2 most wonderful grandkids! I am blessed indeed!!

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