The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Praying for my Daddy......

Many of you know this and are already praying becauase you are my Facebook friend.....but my dad is battling Colon Cancer. My family covets your prayers!

Mom and dad went to the doctor last week and cancer was discovered last Friday, 11/6. Tim and I and our family were in Dallas for the NASCAR race. Mom called me and told me he was having surgery on Monday. I got up Monday at 3:45am to leave the campsite at the race track at 4:30am to be at the airport at 5. I landed at 7:45am and was picked up by my little brother Chris and taken straight to the hospital. I was fortunate that I got there when I did becuase they moved his surgery up an hour......but I still had a good 20 minutes with him. It was hard on him when I walked in because he had told mom he had his two boys there but not his girl. He was taking it very hard at the time.

He made it through surgery fine (they did have to cut). They removed over 9" of colon and tissue. I knew my mom needed my help so I stayed each night I was there in the hospital room with her and daddy. The nurses there was the sweetest things you could ever imagine and they brought me in a cot. Monday he pretty much slept the entire day. I was planning on returning to Houston on Tuesday night but decided to stay an extra day to help mom and give her a chance to get out.

Tuesday was a little better. He still slept most of the day but when he was awake he seemed in high spirits and felt as expected. Wednesday we had a horrible day. He struggled with his breathing a lot. We got the report that the tumor was 100% cancer but were still waiting on the lymph nodes report.

I decided to stay another day and yesterday (Thursday) dad had a better day. He had started some breathing treatments so was doing a little better with that. He was getting up a little more and trying to be a little more mobile.

About 2 hours before I was to leave for the airport we got the news that the lymph node report came back showing more cancer. We were bummed because we really had thought we were going to get the all clear. BUT, we have peace that God is in control! That we believe and trust in.

I was sad to leave my parents but also was ready to come home and see my Tim. I had missed him terribly. It was great to sleep in my own bed last night next to the Love of my Life!

This moning the oncologist came in and talked to mom and dad. He will go in right after Thanksgiving to have his port-a-cath put in and will begin 6 months of chemo shortly after that.

I ask all of my friends and family to join us in prayer for God's glorious healing of my father's cancer!!! Thank you so much for all of those of you who have already prayed and helped us through this very difficult week!!!

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