The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

How Time Flies!

Yes, we are all still alive and well. Let me rephrase that..........we are still alive! I'm truly sorry that I have not had a new post in a month. Can I just say that I can't believe how fast this last month has flown by? I am screaming right now, "Either someone needs to slow this ride down or let me off!!!!!!!!!!" Well, I guess the way our calendar looks over the next couple of months, I better buckle my seat belt tighter and hang on!!!

Tim and I are members of the Coral Club for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (for those who don't live here - it's HUGE. LASTS FOR THREE WEEKS) and Tim works for the East Club Committee B Team so every third night we are at the Rodeo for sure. On top of other nights to see performers we like and want to see. So, for the last three weeks we've done RODEO non-stop. It's a lot of fun but when it's over - you're glad.

Staying in the western theme....................Now, we are full swing (I say that because we've been working on it for the last couple of months on top of everything else) in to our annual Cook-off that we do here in Houston with other construction contractors/subcontractors. I am chairing the committee this year for our team so I'm swamped trying to finalize everything. It is going to be so cool this year. The last two years we've been involved has been a Mardi Gras theme. FUN, to say the least. Actually two years ago we won for best hospitality. Here is a picture of my wonderful Tim and I in our jester costumes and a few others.

This year, we are changing themes and will be doing an old west saloon. It is all coming together really nice and I think we will have a chance at winning again. Tim will be cooking some of his "famous" ribs along with chicken and brisket. We also have someone cooking up around 600 pounds of crawfish. Oh, I can't wait!!!!! All of us on the committe are going all out in costume to make it more authentic. I have my Miss Kitty costume ready and we have a marshall ready!!! If you're in town next weekend (March 30 and 31) let me know and we'd love to have you join us. Saturday is fun for the kids with lots of activities!

FORTUNATELY, Tim and I will get a very much needed break this weekend when we get to spend it ALONE in Miami. He is there this week for work (and yes, I miss him terribly right this moment) and I'll fly down Thursday to spend Friday at the South Florida office doing some training but then Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, we will get to be together with no agenda and no one to entertain or take care of except for each other. We both need it very much!!! Life has been crazy! It's been a while since we really had just time for US!!!


Steph V said...

I am so glad ya'll are getting some time in. I'll take good care of Shannon and won't let any party get too out of control - I kid!!!! No parties! I love you Mama!

Steph V said...

I am so glad ya'll are getting some time in. I'll take good care of Shannon and won't let any party get too out of control - I kid!!!! No parties! I love you Mama!