The Fun and Crazy happenings of our Fun and Crazy FAMILY!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I know, it's been waaaay too long since my last blog (6 weeks and 1 day one to be exact) but I can't seem to slow down long enough to be able to BLOG! I was just reading Steph's and thought just do something quick and at least let people know you are alive and show some new random pics.

SO, YES we are. Obviously we have been moving in that "full 500 mph gear" that life seems to go at times! AND, so much has happened over the last 6 weeks. Where do I start?

School ended. My Shannon is now officially a Senior. I don't think I can take it. I still remember bawling while I was videoing her kindergarten graduation and saying that I will blink and she will be graduating high school. Oh, how time has flown. This time next year, she will have. I will be crying!!!! And, Matt is now officially a Junior High student. NOW, that blows me away! He heads to 6th grade next year and is very excited!!! New school, new friends.

We kept JD from Wednesday afternoon until Sunday afternoon (first weekend in June) while Stephanie and Jimmy headed to Las Vegas for a weekend of fun. Steph actually wanted some major "chill" time while Jimmy was in the World Series Poker tournament. They had fun. WE HAD A BLAST! JD is absolutely the most wonderful little fellow. He loves his KK and I adore him. Shan actually watched him during the day on Thursday and Friday and I took the night shifts and weekend! He is handful as most little 2 year olds are but so much fun. We set up a little pool for him and he wanted to live in it all day Saturday and Sunday and, he wanted KK in there too. WE have had non-stop rain now for weeks (or has it been months?) and that one weekend the sun was out in all it's glory. I was dying to get into some flower beds but instead I heard, "KK, get in, KK get in." Let me just ask you. How many times do you get to "get in" and have fun? How many times did I tell my kids to wait while mama finished up something? So many regrets. I'm not regretting being a KK one bit. I eat it up like candy! SO, KK did some swimming too. Now, I can tell you that this was one time I was ready for mom and dad to pick up JD. Normally the time is too short. This time KK was tired!!!! BUT, boy did we all have fun.

The second weekend in June some good friends of ours got married in Monterrey, Mexico. So, Tim and I flew out Friday morning to celebrate with them and their family. They both work here and John has worked in safety with Tim as long as Tim has been here at Baker. Gaby joined us a couple of years ago but they instantly fell in love. I can tell you that I have been to Catholic weddings before but never the full blown Spanish Catholic wedding. It was an incredibly beautiful ceremony and both were radiant! We had a great weekend!!

AND on the Friday we landed in Monterrey, I got the call I was so waiting for. Steph had her ultrasound and she called to give me the good news that she is having a girl. I about screamed in the Monterrey airport and was grinning ear to ear!!!! Check out her blog Steph's having a girl! Here's a pretty current pic of Steph. Isn't she a beautiful pregnant mom?And then there are these precious little feet that I can't wait to kiss all over.

Work is busy. Life is busy. This week we have been preparing to go on a camping trip this weekend. We leave tomorrow and head up to Lake Sam Rayburn until Sunday. All the family is going except for Eric. He's in Phoenix working hard this summer. Look forward to a fun weekend with our kiddos. Steph and Jimmy are taking their boat and Tim's brother and family will be there with their boat. Catfish fry, swimming, boating and fun, fun, fun with our family!!!!

I promise to take lots of pics this weekend and will try to do a better job of posting next week!!!
Hope this finds you all well and blessed!!!

1 comment:

Steph V said...

I love it! It's about time!!! I haven't blogged since early last week either. I'm hoping to get on today but not sure if I'll have a chance before next week. SO much to do, so little time...